
An outline of Activities to be achieved and reflected in the Budget for year 2012. Namely, five Meeting Sessions held alternatively in places Leganés, Madrid, and Donostia-San Sebastián. The general plan of the Budget is to equip/provide each of the three groups with one quarter of the budget, and assign the other quarter for coordination tasks. A probable major expense —e.g. an agreement with a designer— should be afforded in a pro rata fashion.

1.- Opening Session (#1)  

1.1 Preconditions.-

1.1.1 An agreement with a designer for his attendance in the proceedings, personally or remotely;  willing  to: (A) Give  a number of talks; (B) Develop into a draft the parts of the resultant concepts that could be drawn in real time in order to give the attendants a sense of Computer Aided designing; (C, D...) Not yet defined.

1.1.2 Setting of the required session's gear (hardware/software)  for: internet streaming and locally screening the session.

1.1.3 Setting of Venue. Attendants accommodation. Traveling expenses. Catering expenses. Setting of the website of the project. 

1.2 Events

1.2.1  Reading of the agreement reached with designer.

1.2.2 [1.2.3…n] Talks by Designer and/or Vouching Reference Signers and/or Team Members/Leader, to introduce and develop concepts ranging from Human Rights and Disabilities, Disabilities Consulting, Comprehensive Anticipatory Design Science concepts, Ethics and Social Innovation,Creative Writing, Structural Design, New Sketching Software, Collective Invention, Renewable energies, Echo of Project in the media, Echo of Project in the Inversion and Funding arenas, etc.   

1.2.n  Conclusions. Closing of the Opening Session.

After session paperwork, fine tuning of the Project Website, preparing of materials for next session, etc.

2.- Session (#2) 

2.1 Preconditions.-

2.1.1 Setting of the required session's gear (hardware/software) for: internet streaming and locally screening the session.
2.1.2 Setting of Venue. Exhibits of previous session. Attendants accommodation. Traveling expenses. Catering expenses. 

2.2 Events

2.2.1 Introduction.  Summary of previous sessions.

2.2.2 [.3.4.5…n] Talks (in person or remote) by Designer and/or Vouching Reference Signers and/or Team Members/Leader, to advance the conceptualization and realization of next steps of the project. Echo of the Project in Society, Media and Investors and Funding realms. Discussions and evaluations.

 2.2.n  Conclusions. Demonstration of the state of the draft. Closing of Session #2

After session paperwork, fine tuning of the Project Website, preparing of materials for next session, etc.

Same or very similar points as in Session #2, for Sessions #3 and #4.

5.- Final Session (#5) 

5.1 Preconditions.-

5.1.1 Setting of the required session's gear (hardware/software) for: internet streaming and locally screening the session.

5.1.2 Setting of Venue. Exhibits of the advancing of the Project, of previous sessions, etc. Attendants accommodation. Traveling expenses. Catering expenses. 

5.2 Events

5.2.1 Introduction.  Summary of previous sessions.

5.2.2 [.3.4.5…n] Talks (in person or remote) by Designer and/or Vouching Reference Signers and/or Team Members/Leader, to finalize the conceptualization and realization of the Project. Echo of the Project in Society, Media and Investors and Funding realms. Discussions and evaluations.  

5.2.n  Conclusions. Demonstration of the final state of the draft. Possibilities and conveniences of undertaking the building  of the Final Architectural Resulting Project. Closing of Final Session #5.

After Sessions paperwork, publishing and exhibiting of the results of the Project. Final setting of the Project Website.

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